Meaningful Gifts for any Occasion

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It can be difficult to select gifts for family members and friends, especially those who are dear. Finding ideas for a grandparent, for example, is a challenge after a while. There are only so many handbags, scarves, and pajama sets that can be given until the very thought of buying another one is unacceptable. Being original when it comes to gift giving takes time and effort which is not always available in the midst of hectic schedules. Consider what is known about each person and try to think of items the recipients would not purchase for themselves.

One possibility is custom picture frames. People will display pictures on their walls, but will rarely get special frames. Most pictures will be in simple wooden frames, or inexpensive black plastic ones available at the department store. A frame that fits perfectly, matches the decor of the room, and allows pictures to stand out can make a huge difference in the appearance of the picture and the room. Have a picture taken of the whole family and present it in a custom frame. The gift will be meaningful, hold pride of place in the living room, and delight a grandparent. Family reunions, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, and vacations abroad are pictures of which people cannot seem to get enough.

Framing pictures creatively will present them in a new light. Instead of just the traditional picture of the bride and groom, find one from the wedding that shows a candid moment and place it in the same frame. There are online picture framers that offer design options when ordering. A mat can be added that borders the main picture and allows the candid one to show through at the bottom or the side. Have that shot of the country side in Ireland copied so it can be framed for each of the friends that were on the trip. Select different custom frames to match the office of one person, and the basement game room of another. Pricing online is affordable due to high sales volumes, so custom frames are not an extravagance. What would be out of financial reach in a local studio is within budget online. Refrain from giving the same old gift and present a loved one with something meaningful.